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Domenichino and assistants, 'Apollo killing the Cyclops', 1616-18

About the work


Apollo in a red cloak shoots his arrows at two one-eyed men, one of whom lies prostrate on the ground as the other flees. These are the Cyclops, a mythical race of giants, each with a single eye in the middle of his forehead. This scene is one of ten frescoes which originally adorned the walls of a garden pavilion in the grounds of the Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati, near Rome. Eight of them were transferred to canvas and are now in our collection.

The picture is painted as a trompe l'oeil tapestry with an embroidered border. This is drawn up in the lower right corner to reveal a dwarf chained to a barred window, fruit and a plate with leftovers, some of which have been stolen by a cat. The dwarf was a retainer of the villa’s owner, Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini, who ordered the artist to paint him like this as a punishment for impertinence.

Key facts


Full title
Apollo killing the Cyclops
Domenichino and assistants
Artist dates
1581 - 1641
Part of the series
Villa Aldobrandini Frescoes
Date made
Medium and support
fresco, transferred to canvas
316.3 × 190.4 cm
Acquisition credit
Bought, 1958
Inventory number
Not on display
Main Collection

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.


About the series: Villa Aldobrandini Frescoes

Domenichino and assistants, 'Apollo slaying Coronis', 1616-18


These large frescoes (now transferred to canvas) once decorated the walls of a spectacular pavilion in one of the great Italian Baroque gardens.

The Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati was rebuilt by Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini, nephew of Pope Clement VIII, in the early years of the seventeenth century. Immediately behind the palace, he built a large classical pavilion and decorated it with fountains, statues and paintings. Domenichino’s frescoes – two of which remain in situ – were arranged around a room called the Stanza di Apollo, which also contained a musical fountain representing Mount Parnassus, the mythical home of the Greek sun god Apollo and the Muses. Based on themes drawn from the Greek myths, the iconographical programme glorified the triumph of the Catholic Church, and the role of the Aldobrandini family in it, emphasising the superiority of the intellect over the emotions.

Although Domenichino designed the pictures, much of the actual painting was done by assistants.

Works in the series

Domenichino and assistants
The Greek sun god Apollo tumbles from the sky to shoot his unfaithful lover, Coronis. This is one of ten frescoes which originally adorned the walls of a room in a garden pavilion in the grounds of the Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati, near Rome. Many of the stories, including this one, were take...
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Domenichino and assistants
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Domenichino and assistants
A young man stands next to a dead stag which he has just shot with an arrow: his bow lies on the ground. His hands are flung up in horror, and greenery is growing from his fingers and head. This is the story of Cyparissus, a favourite of Apollo, who accidentally killed his own pet stag. He was so...
Not on display
Domenichino and assistants
The sun god Apollo – identifiable by the golden rays around his head – pursues a young woman whose fingers are sprouting foliage. This is Daphne, a river nymph with whom the god has fallen in love. She rejects his advances and, rather than allowing him to catch her, is turned into a laurel tree....
Not on display
Domenichino and assistants
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Not on display
Domenichino and assistants
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Not on display
Domenichino and assistants
Apollo in a red cloak shoots his arrows at two one-eyed men, one of whom lies prostrate on the ground as the other flees. These are the Cyclops, a mythical race of giants, each with a single eye in the middle of his forehead. This scene is one of ten frescoes which originally adorned the walls o...
Not on display
Domenichino and assistants
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Not on display