Gerard David, 'The Virgin and Child with Saints and Donor', probably 1510
About the work
The Virgin and Child are enthroned in a walled garden with three saints. Saint Mary Magdalene holds her pot of oil, while the richly dressed Saint Barbara has a tower – her attribute, or emblem – in her headdress. The wheel on which Saint Catherine was tortured is visible behind her, and Christ places a ring on her finger, an allusion to her ‘mystic marriage’ (a way of visualising her spiritual union with Christ).
On the left is Richard de Visch van der Capelle, canon of Saint Donatian’s in Bruges. This painting was probably the altarpiece of his family chapel there, and might have been painted towards the end of his life or perhaps even after his death in 1511. The style is very close to David’s 1509 altarpiece (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rouen) and Richard’s head does not seem to have been painted from life. Perhaps he was too old or infirm, or perhaps David, who would have known Richard, was working from memory.
Key facts
- Full title
- The Virgin and Child with Saints and Donor
- Artist
- Gerard David
- Artist dates
- active 1484; died 1523
- Date made
- probably 1510
- Medium and support
- oil on wood
- Dimensions
- 105.8 × 144.4 cm
- Inscription summary
- Inscribed
- Acquisition credit
- Bequeathed by Mrs Lyne Stephens, 1895
- Inventory number
- NG1432
- Location
- Not on display
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 17th-century Italian Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Lorne Campbell, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Fifteenth Century Netherlandish Schools’, London 1998; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2021The Credit Suisse Exhibition: Dürer's Journeys: Travels of a Renaissance ArtistThe National Gallery (London)20 November 2021 - 27 February 2022
1665Catalogue de 32 tableaux anciens composant en partie la collection de M. Edward O…, Paris 1665
1665B. de Monconys, Journal des voyages de monsieur de Monconys, 3 vols, Lyon 1665
1731J.F. Foppens and J. Beernaerts, Compendium chronologicum episcoporum brugensium, Bruges 1731
1861J. Gailliard, Inscriptions funéraires et monumentales de la Flandre occidentale avec des données historiques et généalogiques: Arrondissements de Bruges, Bruges 1861
1863W.H.J. Weale, 'Gerard David', Le Beffroi, I, 1863, pp. 223-34
1863W.H.J. Weale, 'Inventaire du trésor de la collégiale de Saint Donatien à Bruges 1347-1539', Le Beffroi, I, 1863, pp. 323-37
1866W.H.J. Weale, 'Le couvent des sœurs Notre-Dame dit de Sion à Bruges', Le Beffroi, III, 1866, pp. 334-70
1877F. Gonse, 'Un nouveau tableau de Gerard David', Chronique des Arts et de la Curiosité, 1877, pp. 19-20
1877'Chronique de l'Hôtel Drouot', L'Art, VIII, 1877
1878W.H.J. Weale, 'Loan Exhibition of Pictures at the Tuileries', The Academy, XIV, 1878
1878F. Reiset, Notice des dessins, cartons, pastels, miniatures et emaux exposés dans la salle du 1er et du 2e étage au Musée National du Louvre, Paris 1878
1881Hôtel Drouot, Catalogue des tableaux anciens de toutes les écoles composant la très importante collection de M. le Bon. de Beurnonville, Paris, 9 May 1881 - 16 May 1881
1886G.B. di Crollalanza, Dizionario storico-blasonico delle famiglie nobili e notabili italiane, estinte e fiorenti, Pisa 1886
1890H. Hymans, '"Le Roy" (Etienne Victor)', in Biographie Nationale. Academie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux Arts de Belgique, Brussels 1890
1891L. Gilliodts-van Severen, Coutumes des pays et comté de Flandre: Quartier de Bruges: Coutumes des petites villes et seigneuries enclavées, Brussels 1891
1895W.H.J. Weale, Gerard David: Painter and Illuminator, London 1895
1897Baron Béthune, Épitaphes et monuments des églises de la Flandre au XVIme siècle, d'après les manuscrits de Corneille Gailliard et d'autres auteurs, Bruges 1897
1898National Gallery, Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery, with Biographical Notes of the Painters: Foreign Schools, 78th edn, London 1898
1898J.-T. de Raadt, Sceaux armoriés des Pays-Bas et des pays avoisinants, Bruxelles 1898
1901F. Boase, Modern English Biography, Truro 1901
1905S. Reinach, Répertoire de peintres du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance (1250-1580), 4 vols, Paris 1905
1907A.-C. de Schrevel, 'Richard de Capelle', in BNB (Biographie Nationale. Academie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux Arts de Belgique), Brussels 1907, vol. 19, pp. cols. 249-250
1910C.A. Bertini, La storia delle Famiglie Romane di Teodoro Amayden, Rome 1910
1924M.J. Friedländer, Die altniederländische Malerei, 14 vols, Berlin 1924
1929F. Dülberg, Niederländische Malerei der Spätgotik und Renaissance, Berlin 1929
1935C.W. Beaumont, Three French Dancers of the 19th Century, London 1935
1938R.A. Parmentier, Indices op de Brugsche Poorterboeken, 2 vols, Bruges 1938
1945Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: Early Netherlandish School, London 1945
1953M. Davies, The National Gallery, London, Les Primitifs flamands. I, Corpus de la peinture des anciens Pay-Bas méridionaux au quinzième siècle 3, 2 vols, Antwerp 1953
1953E. Panofsky, Early Netherlandish Painting: Its Origins and Character, Cambridge 1953
1955Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: Early Netherlandish School, 2nd edn (revised), London 1955
1959R. Herlequin, 'Les Beurnonville', Cahiers Haut-Marnais, LVII, 1959, pp. 66-78
1960L. Salerno, 'The Picture Gallery of Vincenzo Giustiniani', The Burlington Magazine, CII, 1960, pp. 21-7, 93-104, 135-48
1965S.J. Gudlaugsson, 'Gerard David', in G. Bazin et al., Kindlers Malerei Lexikon, Zürich 1965, pp. 34-7
1967M.J. Friedländer, Early Netherlandish Painting, eds N. Veronée-Verhaegen and H. Pauwels, trans. H. Norden, 14 vols, Leiden 1967
1968C.D. Cuttler, Northern Painting from Pucelle to Bruegel: Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, New York 1968
1970P. Philippot, Pittura fiamminga e Rinascimento italiano, Turin 1970
1973The National Gallery, The National Gallery: January 1971 - December 1972, London 1973
1975D.G. Scillia, Gerard David and Manuscript Illumination in the Lowlands, Phd Thesis, Case Western Reserve University 1975
1976E. Heller, Das altniederländische Stiferbild, Tuduv Studien, Reihe Kulturwisenschaftend, Phd Thesis, Munich 1976
1979J. Mills and R. White, 'Analyses of Paint Media', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, III, 1979, pp. 66-7
1979M. Wyld, A. Roy and A. Smith, 'Gerard David's "The Virgin and Child with Saints and a Donor"', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, III, 1979, pp. 51-65
1980A.J.M. Kerckhoffs-De Heij, De Grote Raad en zijn functionarissen, 1477-1531, Amsterdam 1980
1980E.J. Mundy, Gerard David Studies, Princeton 1980
1981E. Wartop, Rijksarchief te Mortrijk. Inventaris van het fonds d'Ennetieres, Brussels 1981
1981A. Janssens de Bisthoven, Stedelijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten (Groeningenmuseum) Brugge, Vlaamse Primitieven. 1. Corpus van de Vijftiende-eeuwse Schilderkunst in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden. 1, Brussels 1981
1982C.J. Mundy, Gerard David Studies, Ann Arbor 1982
1982C. Périer-d'Ieteren, 'Style et technique dans la peinture flamande du XVe siècle', Formes, IV, 1982
1986R. Genaille, 'Le paysage flamand et wallon au XVIe siècle', Jaarboek Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen, 1986
1987Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: The Early Netherlandish School, 3rd edn, London 1987
1987D. de Vos, 'Gerard David', in Nationaal biografisch woordenboek, Brussels 1987, vol. 12
1990K. Clark, 100 Details from Pictures in the National Gallery, 2nd edn, London 1990
1991J. Dunkerton et al., Giotto to Dürer: Early Renaissance Painting in the National Gallery, New Haven 1991
1991J.C. Wilson, 'Connoisseurship and Copies: The Case of the Rouen Grouping', Gazette des beaux-arts, CXVII, 1994, pp. 191-206
1996J. Kirby and R. White, 'The Identification of Red Lake Pigment Dyestuffs and a Discussion of their Use', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XVII, 1996, pp. 56-80
1997S.D. Squarzina, 'The Collections of Cardinal Benedetto Giustiniani', The Burlington Magazine, CXXXIX-CXL/1136-1139, 1997, pp. 766-91, 102-18
1997M. Smeyers, 'Analecta Memlingiana: From Hemling to Memling - from Panoramic View to Compartmented Representation', in H. Verougstraete-Marcq, R. Schoute and M. Smeyers (eds), Memling Studies: Proceedings of the International Colloquium. 10-12 November , Bruges, 1994), Louvain 1997, pp. 171-94
1998Campbell, Lorne, National Gallery Catalogues: The Fifteenth Century Netherlandish Paintings, London 1998
1998J.C. Wilson, Painting in Bruges at the Close of the Middle Ages: Studies in Society and Visual Culture, Univerisity Park PA 1998
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2021P. van den Brink (ed.), Dürer's war hier: eine Reise wird Legende (exh. cat., Suermondt-Ludwig Museum, Aachen), Aachen 2021
The cassetta frame was crafted in poplar wood in seventeenth-century Italy. This type of frame is known as a Marche frame, named after its place of origin in Italy. The style is renowned for its painted tortoiseshell and incised water-gilt panels on the frieze centre and corners. The surrounding ebonised mouldings are highlighted with gold leaf.
The frame was purchased from the framemaker Arthur Field in 1930 and was given to the framemaker F. Draper for alterations and conversion to a glazing door.
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.