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  1. NG14/123/1; NG4688
    10 Jul 1933-30 Aug 1979
    Correspondence with Messrs Coward, Chance and Co, solicitors to the executors of the late Sir Edward David Stern re the latter's bequest of pictures to the NG in 1933 subject to his wife's life interest and re insurance of the pictures whilst in ...
  2. NG14/124
    Bequeathed by Major C.E.W. Wood, 1946
  3. NG14/124/1; NG5655
    21 & 26 Aug 1946
    Letter from the Executor & Trustee Department, Lloyd's Bank Ltd. requesting a letter formally accepting the picture of St Francis by Zurburan; copy of Gallery's letter of acceptance
  4. NG14/125
    Bequeathed by Miss A.M. Phillips, 1946
  5. NG14/125/1; NG5656
    8 Feb-8 May 1946
    Correspondence with Messrs Dendy and Paterson, solicitors to the executors of the late Miss Philips and W.R. Price, nephew and executor of the latter re her bequest of 'Child with the basket of Cherries' by Cuyp and 'Lady with Fan' by Bol, ...
  6. NG14/126
    Purchased from Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn, 1947
  7. NG14/126/1; NG5750
    1 May 1946-11 Jan 1947
    Correspondence with J.G. Williams, Wynnstay Estate Office re pictures in Sir Watkin Williams Wynn's ownership which might shortly be sold, suitable persons to handle the restoration, valuation and dispersal of the pictures, and the inspection and ...
  8. NG14/127
    Presented by Mrs Gutekunst in memory of her husband Otto Gutekunst, 1947
  9. NG14/127/1; NG5751
    25 Jun 1918-21 Nov 1956
    Letter from Lord D'Abernon to Holmes, 25 Jun 1918 informing him of Otto Gutekunst's intention to leave his 'Portrait of a Man' by Rembrandt and a portrait by Ambrogio de Predis to the Gallery; letter from Holmes to Otto Gutekunst conveying the ...
  10. NG14/128
    Purchased from Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn, through Horace Buttery, 1947

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