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  1. NG14/222/1; NG6357
    13 Jul 1964-4 Feb 1965
    Correspondence between the National Art Collections Fund and the National Gallery regarding the NACF offer to present their recently acquired Vittoria bust to the Gallery. The offer is accepted by the Gallery, but matters are then complicated by the ...
  2. NG14/223/1; NG6358
    24 Sep 1964-20 Apr 1965
    Correspondence between Captain W.L. Curtler of Curtler & Hallmark solicitors and the National Gallery (Keeper and Director) regarding Captain E.G. Spencer Churchill's bequest of a picture by Marie Blancour. Correspondence with Christie Mason & Woods ...
  3. NG14/224/1; NG6359
    29 Jan 1964-24 Nov 1964
    Correspondence between Philip Hendy and Cesar de Hawke (dealer negotiating sale) regarding the potential acquisition of the Cezanne, which is being offered for sale by the Lecomte family. Initially Hendy suggests acquiring two other pictures rather ...
  4. NG14/224/2; NG6359
    1 Oct-10 Dec 1964
    Copy of Board minutes and correspondence connected with the meeting at which the acquisition was discussed. Statement by the Chairman summarizing the progress made on the acquisition, pointing out the difficulty of acquiring the work during a change ...
  5. NG14/224/3; NG6359
    10 Aug 1964-6 Mar 1965
    Press releases connected with the acquisition. Letters from the general public to Hendy offering opinions on the acquisition. Transcript from BBC discussion relating to the Bathers and its acquisition.
  6. NG14/225/1; NG6360
    11 Sep 1929-23 Jul 1970
    Correspondence between the Gallery and Sir Ronald Storr and Lady Storr concerning their loan of the Crucifixion, including conservation measures and attribution of the work. Correspondence with M.B. Storrs, nephew of Ronald Storrs, regarding Storr's ...
  7. NG14/226/1; NG6361
    12 Feb 1965-14 Aug 1992
    Letter to Carmen Gronau of Sotheby's from Philip Hendy asking for details of how much the Crucifix will cost. Notes on the Crucifix sent to William Williams of the National Art Collections Fund, note concerning the picture's provenance circulated to ...

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