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  1. NG14/245/4; NG6386
    21 Oct 1968-25 Jul 1969
    Press cuttings and summaries of press cuttings. Copies of parliamentary commissioner for administration's report and select committee report into the allegations of fraud by Weitzner, who was accused of running a price fixing ring in auction houses.
  2. NG14/246; NG6387
    Bought with a special grant and a contribution from the Pilgrim Trust, 1969
  3. NG14/246/1; NG6387
    13 Dec 1963-27 June 1969
    Correspondence from 1963 between Michael Levey and George Langley-Taylor, Embassy architect, concerning possible Tiepolo frescoes in the Egyptian Embassy. Langley-Taylor visits the Embassy and confirms that frescoes are to be found there, with four ...
  4. NG14/246/2; NG6387
    12 Jun 1968-8 Aug 1969
    Correspondence arranging payment for the Tiepolo, with letters asking the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the National Art Collections Fund whether they would be able to offer assistance. Neither organisation can help, but a similar request to ...
  5. NG14/246/3; NG6387
    30 May 1969-24 Nov 1970
    Correspondence and notes relating to efforts to gather further information about the Tiepolo, including research into aspects of the picture's provenance. Letters giving opinions on the provenance received as a result of an article in the Daily ...
  6. NG14/247; NG6388
    Pictures originally on loan to the Gallery from Mrs D. M. Allnatt, subsequently purchased after her death, 1969
  7. NG14/247/1; NG6388
    28 Apr 1969-7 Jun 1970
    Correspondence with Marshall Shortland solicitors concerning the recent death of Major A.E. Allnatt and the Gallery's subsequent need to decide whether to purchase one or more of the pictures that had been on loan from Allnatt. The terms of the loan ...
  8. NG14/247/2; NG6388
    6 Nov 1969-19 Jun 1970
    Correspondence with W.H. Walker, accountants, regarding the potential price to be paid for the pictures selected by the National Gallery. Walker suggests £30,000 for the two Poussin landscapes. A letter to W. Gilmour of Walker accountants on 8 April ...
  9. NG14/247/3; NG6388
    Original loan agreements between Allnatt and the National Gallery for all of the pictures loaned.
  10. NG14/248; NG6392
    Bought from the Heim Gallery, 1970

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