Peter Paul Rubens, 'Samson and Delilah', about 1609-10
About the work
Peter Paul Rubens’s Samson and Delilah portrays a tragedy of love and betrayal. Delilah, Samson’s lover, has been bribed to discover the secret of Samson’s supernatural strength. Rubens shows the moment when Delilah tells an accomplice to cut his hair, leaving him powerless. Outside, soldiers wait to capture him.
But maybe Delilah will pay for her treachery. The profile of the old woman behind her is a striking but withered likeness of her own, perhaps suggesting that she will one day lose the beauty that was Samson’s downfall.
During a visit to Italy, Rubens had seen Caravaggio’s experiments in the use of highly contrasting light and shade, and deep, rich colour. On his return, he used these new techniques to paint Samson and Delilah, commissioned by his friend and patron, Nicolaas II Rockox, the mayor of Antwerp, for his private collection.
Key facts
- Full title
- Samson and Delilah
- Artist
- Peter Paul Rubens
- Artist dates
- 1577 - 1640
- Date made
- about 1609-10
- Medium and support
- oil on wood
- Dimensions
- 185 × 205 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1980
- Inventory number
- NG6461
- Location
- Room 18
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 21st-century Replica Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the catalogue entry in Christopher Brown, ‘Flemish Paintings’, London 1987; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2008Massacre of the Innocents and Samson and DelilahArt Gallery of Ontario15 October 2008 - 15 April 2009
2017Rubens and RembrandtThe National Gallery (London)22 March 2017 - 6 August 2017
1767V. Fanti, Descrizzione completa di tutto ciò che ritrovasi nella galleria di pittura e scultura di sua altezza Giuseppe Wenceslao del S.R.I., principe regnante della casa di Lichtenstein […], Vienna 1767
J. Smith, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters: In Which is Included a Short Biographical Notice of the Artists, with a Copious Description of Their Principal Pictures […], vol. 2, London 1830
1890M. Rooses, L'oeuvre de P. P. Rubens, Antwerp 1886
1922R. Oldenbourg, P.P. Rubens, Munich 1922
1931J. Denucé, Art-Export in the 17th Century: The Firm of Forchondt, Antwerp 1931
1932J. Denucé, The Antwerp Art-Galleries: Inventories of the Art-Collections in Antwerp in the 16th and 17th Centuries, Antwerp 1932
1933G. Glück, Rubens, Van Dyck und ihr Kreis, Vienna 1933
1936W. Krönig, Der italienische Einfluss in der flämischen Malerei im ersten Drittel des 16. Jahrhunderts: Beiträge zum Beginn der Renaissance in der Malerei der Niederlande, Würzburg 1936
1942H.G. Evers, Peter Paul Rubens, Munich 1942
1942H.G. Evers, '"Frierende Venus" von Rubens', Pantheon, XXIX, 1942, pp. 83-6
1942H.G. Evers, 'La galerie d'art du bourgmestre Rockox', Apollo, XV, 1942, pp. 1-15
1942H.G. Evers, 'Samson et Dalila de Pierre-Paul Rubens', Apollo, XVII, 1942, pp. 5-9
1943H.G. Evers, 'Simson und Delila von Rubens in der Sammlung August Neuerberg in Hamburg', Pantheon, XXXI, 1943, pp. 65-8
1944H.G. Evers, Rubens und sein Werk: Neue Forschungen, Brussels 1944
1950D. Rosen and J. Held, 'A Rubens Discovery in Chicago', Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, XIII-XIV, 1950, pp. 77-91
1953E. Haverkamp-Begemann, Olieverfschetsen van Rubens (exh. cat. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, 19 December 1953 - 28 February 1954), Rotterdam 1953
1959J. Held, Rubens: Selected Drawings, London 1959
1963L. Burchard and R.-A. d'Hulst, Rubens Drawings, Brussels 1963
1965J.R. Martin, The Farnese Gallery, Princeton 1965
1965M. Warnke, Kommentare zu Rubens, Berlin 1965
1972J.R. Martin, The Decorations for the Pompa Introitus Ferdinandi, London 1972
1972M. Milner Kahr, 'Delilah', Art Bulletin, LIV, 1972, pp. 282-99
1973P.R. Adams, 'Samson and Delilah', Cincinnati Art Museum Bulletin, X, 1973, pp. 3-7
1977F. Baudouin, Nicolaas Rockox Friend and Patron of Peter Paul Rubens, Antwerp 1977
1977F. Baudouin, Rubens, New York 1977
1977M. Bernhard, Rubens, Handzeichnungen, Munich 1977
1977M. Jaffé, Rubens and Italy, Oxford 1977
1977H. Vlieghe, De schilder Rubens, Utrecht 1977
1977G. Martin, 'The Imaginative Vision of Rubens', Apollo, CLXXXVII, 1977
1977Royal Museum of Fine Arts, P. P. Rubens: Paintings, Oilsketches, Drawings (exh. cat. Royal Museum of Fine Arts, 29 June - 30 September 1977), Antwerp 1977
1977T. Buddensieg, '"Simson und Delila" von Peter Paul Rubens', in Festschrift für Otto von Simson zum 65. Geburtstag, Berlin 1977, pp. 328-45
1980J. Held, The Oil Sketches of Peter Paul Rubens: A Critical Catalogue, Princeton 1980
1980Christie's Review of the Season 1980, London 1980
1980Christie, Manson & Woods, Samson and Delilah by Peter Paul Rubens, London, 11 July 1980
1981H. Vlieghe, 'Rubens und seine Auftraggeber nach der Rückkehr in Antwerpen', in J.G. van Gelder, J. Held and H. Kauffmann, Peter Paul Rubens: Werk und Nachruhm, Munich 1981, pp. 137-55
1982National Gallery, The National Gallery Report: January 1980 - December 1981, London 1982
1982M. Milner Kahr, 'Delilah', in N. Broude and M.D. Garrard (eds), Feminism and Art History: Questioning the Litany, New York 1982, pp. 119-45
1983J. Plesters, '"Samson and Delilah": Rubens and the Art and Craft of Painting on Panel', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, VII, 1983, pp. 30-51
1983C. Brown, Rubens: Samson and Delilah (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 19 January - 20 March 1983), London 1983
1986Martin, Gregory, National Gallery Catalogues: The Flemish School, circa 1600 - circa 1900, London 1986
1986M. Levey, Director's Choice: Selected Acquisitions 1973-1986: An Exhibition to mark the Retirement of Sir Michael Levey as Director of the National Gallery (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 17 December 1986 - 15 February 1987), London 1986
1987C. Brown, The National Gallery Schools of Painting: Flemish Paintings, London 1987
1989M. Jaffé, Rubens: Catalogo completo, Milan 1989
1989C. Scribner, Peter Paul Rubens, New York 1989
1989R.-A. d'Hulst and M. Vandenven, Rubens: The Old Testament, Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard 3, London 1989
1990V. Manuth, 'Die Augen des Sünders – Überlegungen zu Rembrandts Blendung Simsons von 1636 in Frankfurt', Artibus et historiae, XI/21, 1990, pp. 175-7
1990A. Kuhn-Wengenmayr, 'Rubens: Samson und Delilah von 1609 und zwei zugehörige Werke', in Festschrift Rudolf Bockholdt zum 60 Geburtstag, Pfaffenhofen 1990, pp. 81-100
1992H. Devisscher, Peter Paul Rubens: Aanbidding der koningen, Koningen 1992
1992D. Bodart, 'Pierre-Paul Rubens et la "Vengeance de Samson": Son œuvre charnière inédite de la période italienne', Artibus et historiae, XIII/26, 1992, pp. 15-30
1993P. Sutton et al., The Age of Rubens (exh. cat. Museum of Fine Arts, 22 September 1993 - 2 January 1994), Boston 1993
1994C. Brown, 'Anthony van Dyck at Work: "The Taking of Christ" and "Samson and Delilah"', Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch, LX, 1994, pp. 43-54
1994J. Held, 'Van Dyck's Relationship to Rubens', Studies in the History of Art, XLVI, 1994, pp. 627-76
1995S. Alpers, The Making of Rubens, New Haven 1995
1996A. Graham-Dixon, Paper Museum: Writings about Paintings, London 1996
1997E. McGrath, Rubens: Subjects from History, ed. A. Balis, London 1997
1998P. Taylor, 'The Glow in late Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Dutch Painting', Leids Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek, XI, 1998, pp. 159-78
2000M. Daley, 'The Back Is Where It's at', Art Review, LII, 2000, pp. 44-5
2000D. Jaffé, 'Rubens Back and Front: The Case of the National Gallery "Samson and Delilah"', Apollo, 2000, pp. 21-5
2000B. Sewell, 'From Amateur Delights to a Dabbler in the Dark', Evening Standard, 2000
2000P. Woolrich, 'How a Rubens Was Rubbished', Punch, 2000
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2001R. Baarsen et al., Vermeer and the Delft School, New Haven 2001
2002C. Denk and K. Renger, Flämische Malerei des Barock in der Alten Pinakothek, Munich 2002
2003A. Bradley, Rubens's Massacre of the Innocents, London 2003
2004W. Seipel, R. Trnek and J. Kräftner (eds), Rubens in Vienna. The Masterpieces: The Pictures in the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein, the Kunsthistorisches Museum and the Gemäldegalerie der Akademie Der Bildenden Künste in Vienna, Vienna 2004
2004F. Healy, 'Das Unerwartete wahrnehmen, das zu Erwartende interpretieren: Die Liebe sehen, wie Rubens sie malte', in N. Büttner et al., Peter Paul Rubens: Barocke Leidenschaften, Munich 2004, pp. 39-48
2004B. Welzel, 'Barocke Leidenschaften in frühneuzeitlichen Sammlungen', in N. Büttner et al., Peter Paul Rubens: Barocke Leidenschaften, Munich 2004, pp. 69-82
2004J. Kräftner, 'The History of the Rubens Collection of the House of Liechtenstein', in J. Kräftner, W. Seipel and R. Trnek (eds), Rubens in Vienna. The Masterpieces: The Pictures in the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein, the Kunsthistorisches Museum and the Gemäldegalerie der Akademie Der Bildenden Künste in Vienna, Vienna 2004, pp. 13-18
2004N. van Hout, 'Copyright Rubens. Cum Privilegiis…', in N. Van Hout and P. Huvenne, Rubens et l'art de la gravure, Gand 2004, pp. 30-9
2004C. Staelen, 'Rubens's "Samson and Delilah" in the National Gallery: New Facts Relating to Its Provenance', The Burlington Magazine, CXLVI/1216, 2004, pp. 468-9
2004P. Sutton and M.E. Weiseman, Drawn by the Brush: Oil Sketches by Peter Paul Rubens (exh. cat. Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, 2 October 2004 - 30 January 2005; Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, University of California, 2 March - 15 May 2005; Cincinnati Art Museum, 11 June - 11 September 2005), Greenwich 2004
2005M. Moore Ede et al., Rubens: A Master in the Making, London 2005
2005A.-M. Logan, with M.C. Plomp, Peter Paul Rubens: The Drawings (exh. cat., The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), New Haven 2005
2005F. Baudouin (ed.), Rubens in Context: Selected Studies, Schoten 2005
2006N. Büttner, Herr P. P. Rubens: Von der Kunst, berühmt zu werden, Göttingen 2006
2006M. Daley, 'Oh Blessed Honthorst', ArtWatch UK: Journal, 21, 2006, pp. 4-5
2006M. Daley, '"Prove It!" When Experts Stand United', ArtWatch UK: Journal, 21, 2006, pp. 29-43
2006M. Daley, 'The ArtWatch File XIII', ArtWatch UK: Journal, 21, 2006, pp. 17-28
2006K. Pisarek, 'The "Samson and Delilah": A Question of Attribution', ArtWatch UK: Journal, 21, 2006, pp. 6-16
2007A. Georgievska-Shine, 'Rubens and the tropes of deceit in Samson and Delilah', Word & Image, XXIII/4, 2007, pp. 460-73
2007D. Jaffé, Samson and Delilah: A Rubens Painting Returns, Milan 2007
2007D. Jaffé, 'Rubens' Samson and Delilah, an Antwerp Chimney Piece in Context', in D. Jaffé, Samson and Delilah: A Rubens Painting Returns, Milan 2007, pp. 11-17
2007H. Van de Velde, 'The Painting Collection of Burgomaster Nicolaas Rockox (1560-1640). A Discussion of the Inventory Drawn up after his Death', in D. Jaffé, Samson and Delilah: A Rubens Painting Returns, Milan 2007, pp. 33-55
2007J. Kräftner, 'The Rubens Collection of the Princes of Liechtenstein', in D. Jaffé, Samson and Delilah: A Rubens Painting Returns, Milan 2007, pp. 57-65
2009G. Tonelli, Rubens's Massacre of the Innocents: The Thomson Collection at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto 2009
2009M. Neumeister, Alte Pinakothek: Flämische Malerei, Stuttgart 2009
2010K. Krzyżagórska-Pisarek, '"Samson i Dalila" Rubensa. Problematyka atrybucji a polityka wystawiennicza muzeów', Rocznik historii sztuki, XXXV, 2010, pp. 189-211
2012A. Vergara and F. Lammertse, The Young Van Dyck (exh. cat., Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid), Madrid 2012
2012F. Vermeylen and K. De Clippel, 'Rubens and Goltzius in dialogue: Artistic exchanges between Antwerp and Haarlem during the Revolt', De Zeventiende Eeuw, XXVIII, 2012, pp. 139-60
2016E. Bergvelt and M. Jonker, Dutch and Flemish Paintings: Dulwich Picture Gallery, London 2016
2018F. Lammertse and A. Vergara, Rubens: Painter of Sketches, Madrid 2018
2019S. Suda and K. Nickel (eds), Early Rubens, Munich 2019
2019K. Nickel, 'Conflicting Visions', in S. Suda and K. Nickel (eds), Early Rubens, Munich 2019, pp. 26-39
2020H.J. Meier, Die Kunst der Interpretation. Rubens und die Druckgraphik, Berlin and Munich 2020
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.