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To celebrate the Gallery's Bicentenary, we are sharing online – for the first time – 200 scholarly catalogue entries, totalling 2.2 million words of academic research. With these catalogue entries, we are sharing 2,700 images, including 75 x-ray images, 155 infrared images and over 250 photomicrographs.

These in-depth essays showcase everything we know about our paintings, discussing in detail their subject matter, authorship, provenance, art historical significance, materials and technique, and also their condition and conservation history. Information based on the re-examination of each picture is combined with various different technical images.
'200 paintings for 200 years' builds on the Gallery's long-running successful schools cataloguing programme, supported by Arturo and Holly Melosi through the Arthur and Holly Magill Foundation, including recent publications The German Paintings before 1800 and The Nineteenth Century French Paintings, Volume 1: The Barbizon School.
We are also presenting, for the first time, information on the frames surrounding these same 200 paintings, the earliest of which dates to the 13th century.

Supported by:
Arturo and Holly Melosi through the Arthur and Holly Magill Foundation
Google Arts & Culture 
Samuel H. Kress Foundation





